Tommy Neiman
As a teenage boy armed with a drivers license, Tommy Neiman loved to follow the ‘lights and sirens’ of emergency vehicles as they made their way to calls on busy weekend nights. He didn’t realize that soon God would be placing him in those speeding trucks, responding to tragedies and helping people in their times of greatest need. He probably also didn’t realize that far beyond those physical needs, God would be providing some truly awesome opportunities to minister to their spiritual needs. With Tommy Neiman, the Sirens are always for the Cross.
Born (with a twin brother) in Okeechobee, FL, Tommy accepted the Lord at the tender age of nine. He was actively involved in church activities, helping lead youth events and retreats even as a youth.
Heavily involved in high school sports, Tommy excelled in football and baseball and eventually played both in college. But an injury led Tommy’s interest back into the lifetime intrigue with emergency work, where God’s will was slowly unfolding.
Tommy was eventually hired by the Saint Lucie County Fire Department as a full time Firefighter/Paramedic. An answered prayer and the beginning of a mission!
Seeing his department shoot 3 episodes of “Rescue 911” and appear on the covers of various fire publications led Tommy to share about calls in a little different light. The Light of Christ. God had been far more present on emergency calls than what television or the media portrayed, and it was about time to let the national public know!
The book, “Sirens For The Cross” is that message to fellow emergency workers and perhaps the millions that watch these types of shows on national television every week.
Tommy and Alicia Neiman have three wonderful blessings, Sara, Luke and Lauren.
In addition to heading up his personal ministry, Tommy is also President of his local Fellowship of Christian Firefighters chapter and serves as Southeast Regional Director for Fellowship Of Christian Firefighters, International. He also serves as one of his departments chaplains and is a chaplain to the New York Mets during Spring Training.
Some of Tommy’s department merits include Saint Lucie County ‘Firefighter of the Year’ for 1993 and State of Florida ‘Firefighter of the Year’ for 2003.
In highlighting the ‘Sirens’ ministry, Tommy has been featured in several Christian publications and news articles. He has done segment interviews with The 700 Club as well as Canada’s largest Christian television show, 100 Huntley Street Live.
Tommy has spoken in numerous churches, conferences and men’s events nationwide. He is best noted for his ability to take audiences to the emergency scene and shower them with the love and power of Jesus Christ. Primarily asked to do Public Safety Appreciation services, his focus is on ministering and taking the gospel to his fellow emergency workers.
Tommy’s hobbies include jogging, basketball, and throwing batting practice to son Luke in the backyard batting cage. He also enjoys scuba diving and spearfishing on the nearby ocean reefs.
Tommy has two brothers who are both seminary graduates and pastoring churches in South Florida.

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